welcome home
Memories, sounds, love, all wrapped up with a digital bow.

Somewhere quiet, safe, small, warm, and personal. Just a small corner of the cosmos for you and me. Stay with me, I will hold you and love you until you and I are one.

In my senseless yearning for connection, I reach in between glowing lights and pixels for something human. Someone, something: are you out there?

My whole life I have moved within a percieved lonesomeness, perhaps by my own doing and perhaps not. Always moving abrasively, loudly, running into every corner and brick wall in my path.

I was born screaming and I will die screaming. In between I will do the same. My noise is evidence of my existence, proof that I have lived. In my lonesome I seek the warm bodies of other noise-makers, in these people I find harmony; music is made when we scream to be known, our voices intertwine as our existences fall in line. Proof we have exisited, together.

In a way, this is my screaming continued. I want to run into walls, corners, doors, and windows to see the evidence on my soul that I have lived. So, scream with me friends so our voices make the music we love and our bodies intertwine; dancing into forever together!

layout made by itinerae. defiled & modified by yours truly.
who am i?
hello, my name is mae. i am 19 years old, 20 in december.
i am an undergraduate clinical psychology student based in the united states.
find me, please.
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In love with:
Aenean sodales suscipit ipsum, eget sodales nisl malesuada placerat. Curabitur rutrum egestas enim ut convallis. Vestibulum erat est, elementum eget sem quis, fringilla finibus diam. Aenean purus felis, ullamcorper at tristique pharetra, semper eget massa. Ut egestas ante sed quam facilisis, eu posuere dolor lobortis.